Eric Myers is a Master at Arms in classical Italian fencing, certified by the San Jose State University Fencing Masters Program in 2008. He teaches classical and historical fencing at the Sacramento Sword School, and at the Sonoma State University Fencing Masters Certificate Program. He is a cofounder of the Sacramento Sword School. |
Maestro Myers began fencing in 1984, and researching Historical European Martial Arts in 1997. Since 2005 his historical research has focused on the martial arts of Spain and Portugal, and in 2010 he co-authored (with Steve Hick) a monograph and translation of the 17th century “Memorial of the Practice of the Montante” by Diogo Gomes de Figueyredo. Since then he has continued his research and translation activities, and has co-authored or collaborated several books on Iberian fencing. He has taught from these and other works at several large, international WMA events. |
Puck Curtis began studying historical fencing in 1992 and researching Spanish swordplay in 1994. He is the cofounder of the Destreza Translation and Research Project and the primary author of "From the Page to the Practice - Fundamentals of Spanish Swordplay". Currently living in Folsom, California, he has taught historical fencing for over 20 years with a special focus on the Spanish traditions. He tested and received his certification as a Master at Arms before a traditional board of fencing masters with the San Jose Fencing Master's program in 2008 and has expanded the tradition by examining a number of instructors, provosts, and fencing masters. In addition, has presented seminars at major HEMA events, fought in numerous public exhibitions, and has served as a guest examiner for schools certifying historical fencing instructors. His current project is uniting the rigorous training and pedagogy of the classical Italian school with the theory and practice of the Spanish True School to preserve the tradition, develop new leadership, and share the art with today's western martial arts community. |
Mary Curtis is the other cofounder of the Destreza Translation and Research Project, where she is the primary researcher and translator. She is also a Ph.D. candidate in Golden Age Spain at the University of California, Davis. |
Kevin Murakoshi is certified to teach classical Italian fencing as a Master at Arms through the Sonoma State University Fencing Masters program, and also teaches at the Davis Fencing Academy. |
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